Advice from the Oracle

These offerings are for those who feel the call to find support from somewhere beyond them and do not want their own mental construction to get in the way of receiving advice.

Most of the time, even when we ask others for advice, we feel alone in the decision-making process.

Wanting so badly to make the "right" choice but not trusting ourselves to do so, we end up spending more energy on a decision than we really have to give. And even once we've made a choice, we often wonder whether or not we'd make the same if we could do it again.

These types of decisions keep us up at night, take our minds away from conversations with loved ones, and even mess with our eating habits and self-care.

We get lost in our decisions, let our minds get in the way, and our energy suffers because of it.

Whenever I feel lost, I turn to my cards for advice.

They always allow me to stand in my decisions or change course from a supported-yet-empowered place.

Let the cards aid you in bringing ease to your body and clarity to your mind, loosening anxiety and freeing up mental space for decisions to be made and your beautiful creations to bloom.

Tarot & Oracle Card Readings

A Brief Encounter

3 Card Spread

A touch of advice on a specific question or project you are currently pondering.

This serves as a wonderful check-in with your energy within a specific context.

Book Here

Checking the Map

4 Card Spread

While it has many uses, I often utilize this intuitive spread to get clarity and advice on where I am headed on a specific developing path, relationship, or project.

Cosmic Interaction

5 Card Spread

This spread is often used to look at the relationship between persons (humans, essences, or otherwise) through both unifying aspects and potential blockages

A Seasonal Check-in

7 Card Spread

This spread is often used at the beginning of a new season (e.g., Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) to gain insight into what you can expect to arise and encounter within you in the upcoming season.

The Deep Plunge

10 Card Spread

This highly used spread gives a thorough look into a specific question by addressing the heart of the matter, opposing factors, root cause, external and internal influences, expected outcomes, etc.

What's To Come

Year ahead Spread

Often done around a New Year or Solar Return (Birthday), this spread gives an overarching look at an upcoming year through both primary and individual monthly themes.

I'm Allie.

The mystic woman behind Rhythm & Alchemy's Energetic Medicine Offerings. I'm a Creation & Energetic Coach, Tarot Reader, Body Worker, Movement fanatic, Collaboration enthusiast, and a taste of Magic in human form.

I have been working with individual decks and forming a relationship with Tarot as its own creative entity for over 10 years. I know the potency a reading can have when a reader is truly working in relation with their cards to serve as a channel for communication with something beyond our understanding.

I also know Mystery speaks through metaphor, and in a deck that is seen through an artist's chosen archetypal imagery. When I read, I read from a Jungian analytical lens in collaboration with a deck's artist. This means I draw upon my intuition, knowledge of tarot, numerology, Jungian archetypes, and color psychology in addition to honoring the words an artist chooses to put into the card descriptions for a deck. Truly potent card decks are made with intention, and it is important to me to maintain integrity with a deck's personal essence and the intention put into it by the creator.

When I do a reading, my analysis reads like a beautiful correspondence, a letter from the unknown. In it, I take you through the process of how the cards came to be in the spread, how they stand individually, as well as how they play and interact with each other on the altar. This isn't your typical tarot reading, it's a channeled form of art that will feel like honest advice from an old friend (whether it's what you want to hear or not), a letter you'll stumble upon years down the line whose words still fill you with a feeling of gratitude.

I'm honored and elated, through these offerings, to channel this mystical correspondence into being on your behalf.



How are Readings performed?

Channeling your energy in a meditative state and pulling cards on your behalf, I perform these readings distantly. After analyzing the spread, I craft a personalized PDF detailing the experience and analysis of the cards.

Currently, I am not doing in-person/ Zoom Readings.

Why aren't readings performed in-person/via Zoom?

There are 2 main reasons I have chosen to currently conduct readings this way...

First, I find it to be more efficient. As my schedule can be somewhat hectic, this takes away from the need to schedule around personal obligations and competing time zones. It also takes away a level of anxiety around scheduling- when an individual buys a reading they know it will be delivered to their inbox within 3 business days of purchase.

Second, I find it to be a less stressful experience for the person seeking advice. Once a reading is purchased and any needed material is submitted, there is nothing you have to do but sit back and relax. Sometimes, the nerves of an individual (especially if something somewhat uncomfortable is coming up in a reading) can make it harder for them to hear what advice is being offered by the cards. I have also seen ego interfere, with individuals second guessing or hesitating when pulling cards. By doing them this way, I serve as a clear channel for your energy, connecting you and bringing forward advice from your higher faculties, removing ego altogether.

This is not to say that I will never offer in-person readings again, but getting the opportunity to cleanly feel into and channel someone else's energy to connect them to the unknown in this way is something I am currently finding abundant gratitude in : )

When will I receive my Reading?

Readings will be delivered to your Email inbox within 5-14 business days of payment and receiving any materials needed to perform the reading.

3 and 4-card spreads will arrive sooner than larger spreads. I only read and transcribe from an emotionally clean space, so I give myself this time to account for any "human" things that may arise. These th

What do you need from me to do a Reading?

To do any reading, I ask that you provide me with

1. Your specific question/ intention

2. Your name

3. A picture of you (to make it easier for me to channel your energy).

For 5-Card Relationship readings, I ask that you also provide a name and picture of the other person who is a part of the reading.

How do I know what spread to choose?

Choosing a spread is based on your preference and desired depth.

The more cards you choose the more information you are going to receive, and the more in-depth you are going to go into a specific question.

If your question is taking up a lot of mental real estate it may be best to choose a 10 card spread, deeply diving into the question in an attempt to loosen the mental-knot the issue has created in your mind.

If you are just feeling a touch of curiosity around something, I would recommend a 3-5 card spread.

Or if you are looking for some awareness around what's arising for you in the upcoming season or year, I would choose a 7-card or yearly spread, respectively.

Personally, I do a 1-5 card reading daily and only go in-depth into a larger spread about once a month.

How do I craft my question? What if I ask the wrong thing?

Honestly, it doesn't really matter how you word a question, the cards know where your heart is asking for guidance. So feel free to take a breath, it's hard to do this wrong.

The main advice I give people is to steer clear of questions that have a "yes/no" answer. Starting questions with a "What" can be incredibly potent.

More then anything, It's important to get clear on your intention for a reading. When forming your question, first ask yourself:

What is it I want to know? Why do I want to know it? What can this information offer me?

Most of the time this "offering" is emotional- getting guidance from Tarot can often bring a greater sense of clarity to the mind and ease into the body.

What if I have questions after I receive my reading?

Having follow-up questions after a reading is totally normal! You will have 3 days once you receive your reading to ask any questions (via email) that might arise while reviewing and digesting it.

Please note, that while I am happy to elucidate further on anything in the reading, no additional cards will be drawn.

Who should get their cards read?

People who are curious, feeling overwhelming amounts of emotion they are struggling to understand, worried about something, or questioning their future (people, careers, goals, life choices) could all benefit from having their cards read.

It can be extraordinarily beneficial for anyone who is struggling to trust their intuition/ feelings. Especially those who have been pushing their intuitive nudges away, and see the same distressing patterns reoccur in their life again and again.

Please remember that the Tarot can put a spotlight on things that you haven't wanted to look at, think about, or face. While it can be a bit emotional, it also brings clarity to those subconscious feelings and intuitive nudges. This offering is a safe space to come face to face with these things, knowing that you are not alone or unseen in these feelings and emotions.

Why should I get my cards read by someone else? I have Tarot cards.

Even if you have your own cards, getting your cards read by others is still an extremely valuable experience. First, for those who want or are offering readings to others, it gives you an opportunity to see how others read and interpret (allowing you to broaden your understanding and relationship to the cards).

Additionally, especially if you are doing a reading on something that is emotionally charged in your body, allowing someone else to read for you removes the ego from the reading, making space for a clearer channel.

I've been reading Tarot for over 10 years and still seek out readers whenever I travel or feel called. Readers need their cards read, too.

Does Tarot Predict the future?

Tarot does not predict the future.

To me, Tarot serves as a blueprint that gives you advice on where your current course is steering you.

I try not to use the Tarot as a predictive tool, just because people can get caught in the spiderweb of “this is what’s going to happen” pretty easily, and instead like to ask it for guidance on the current course of things.

Do you offer Refunds?

No. Due to the nature of this work, I do not offer refunds once a reading has been purchased.