Clarity Point

Creative Sound-boarding Sessions

An offering for those creative projects (you, included) in need of a little tending and a fresh perspective.

What if it doesn't need to be thrown out or burned down, what if it just needs some fresh soil to bloom?

As a solopreneur, I've long looked for a space dedicated to tending my creative ideas...

  • The ones that came out of nowhere but feel so alive and have me excited beyond measure.
  • The ones that have been rolling around in my head for months but I know something is missing so I haven't acted on them yet.
  • And even the ones that I've been offering or had out in the world for a while, but for whatever reason, just don't fill my cup the way they used to.

What I've found is that ideas are like everything else in our quantum nature:

They need both attention and space to grow.

And you know what they say: Create what you want to see in the world.

So here I am creating the spaces I crave to be held in.

And I'd be honored to help you tend your ideas to bloom.

Clarity Point is intended to be a 4-6 week container shaped by your needs and desires. I want to also acknowledge not all projects can fit tightly in a box.

So in order to hold both of those things as true, here is a basic outline to be built upon:

  • A 60-min 1:1 online session each week
  • In-pocket audio support (through Telegram or Voxer) 5 days a week

With that being said,

Before we begin, we'll schedule a 30-min Zoom call to feel into the energetic alignment of this opportunity for us both. At that time, I want to put the ball in your court. Be honest about where you're bumping up against edges and take the time to ask for anything else you might want during our time together.

We are building this container together. Take the invitation and practice using your voice to build containers for your creative nourishment.

Let's Create